Laura, PR Intern, Lithuania

"I am extremely grateful for this opportunity, it was one of the best decisions of my life."

Laura, PR Intern, Lithuania

Sebastian, Light Designer, Poland

"I received a very good support. The colleagues helped me with everything."

Sebastian, Light Designer, Poland

Quentin, IT Specialist, France

"The best part was the culture. It is very interesting and beautiful."

Quentin, IT Specialist, France

Shane, Financial Assistant, UK

"I told to myself: Why not to apply, why not to have a beautiful experience?"

Shane, Financial Assistant, UK

Arba, Financial Analyst, Albanian studying in Austria

"I was involved in different types of tasks and I was trusted to execute them independently."

Arba, Financial Analyst, Albanian studying in Austria

Lucas, Startup Project Coordinator, Brazil

"I’m enjoying the work; it meets my professional and academic background."

Lucas, Startup Project Coordinator, Brazil

Keerthi, Mechanical Engineer, India

"I received more then i expected. Keep up the good work, Placement Slovakia."

Keerthi, Mechanical Engineer, India

Emanuel, Accountant Trainee, Portugal

"I put theory into practise and I got to know financial activity of a large company."

Emanuel, Accountant Trainee, Portugal

Vitor, Executive Assistant, Portugal

"Please come! Do not stay at home; rather travel, meet new people and explore Slovakia."

Vitor, Executive Assistant, Portugal

Daniel, Online Marketing Operator, Spain

"What will I miss the most? My job, probably."

Daniel, Online Marketing Operator, Spain

Miguel, Web Developer, Portugal

"I met amazing people and fall in love with a city that I did not even know few years ago."

Miguel, Web Developer, Portugal

Monica, Marketing trainee, Indian studying in Austria

"I am treated as full-time employee, which is great."

Monica, Marketing trainee, Indian studying in Austria

Vinay, Mechanical Engineer, Indian studying in Germany

"It is fun to learn new things; language and to explore new places."

Vinay, Mechanical Engineer, Indian studying in Germany

Pedro, Industrial Engineer, Portugal

"I am having a blast here!"

Pedro, Industrial Engineer, Portugal

Joao Pedro, Communication Assistant, Portugal

"My colleagues have become my friends. What can be better?"

Joao Pedro, Communication Assistant, Portugal

Pablo, Mechanical Engineer, Spain

"I like the travelling opportunities Bratislava offers."

Pablo, Mechanical Engineer, Spain

André Lagos, Project Coordinator assistant, Portugal.

“A few days after my arrival, I was already feeling like home”

André Lagos, Project Coordinator assistant, Portugal.

Tahmina Mumtaz, Junior SAP specialist, Pakistan

"I believe that this experience will enable me to follow my future endeavours in a defined way, and nourish me professionally.”

Tahmina Mumtaz, Junior SAP specialist, Pakistan

Today we would like to introduce you to one of our interns, Boudras Mathis. Mathis came to Bratislava from France for an internship. In February of this year, he got a position in the finance department of an international multinational technology company specializing in designing, manufacturing, and marketing consumer electronics, personal computers, software, business solutions, and related services. Let's find out a little more about his story. 

 Just recently Mathis has just finished his internship and shared with us how the adaptation process took place, how his attitude to work has changed over time, and how his future career path has turned out. He learned how to use multiple financial tools (Power BI, BPC, VBA). His main achievement was to learn how to effectively use his time to perform several tasks at the same time because there can be a lot of tasks and work at one time and you need to be as productive as possible because his work and the quality of the completed tasks affected the whole team. After all, these were his reports and financial forecasts that were used to adjust or change the company's future strategy. Mathis also said, “After this internship, I have improved my level of financial English and have become much more proficient in financial data analysis.“

            It was also very interesting to track the statistics of the responses Mathis gave about his internship. “At first, not all the tasks were clear, I had to ask my tutor a lot, and I was very lucky to have such a mentor because he was always ready to answer my questions and helped me a lot. After a while, when I became more familiar with all the processes, the daily tasks became less challenging for me and the internship became a really enjoyable experience. Even in the last months of work, it was still difficult to cope with some deadlines, I had to put in more effort, but nevertheless, I gained good stress tolerance and attention to detail.“

            We were impressed by Mathis' feedback about the most pleasant part. He said: “The most enjoyable part of my internship in Slovakia was the people I met along the way. Bratislava has been a pleasant surprise to me, there is such a great amount of diversity among people from all over the world and fields of employment. And the amazing fact is that all of this is combined with the quiet and peaceful atmosphere of the city, where you don't feel like out of place. And I can't help but mention the many trips I've taken that have helped me to understand more cultures and the new experiences I've had. Slovakia stands out for its convenient location and it doesn't take long to get to the most beautiful capitals of Europe.“

            Summarizing his experience, Mathis drew our attention by saying: “I can say that this experience was very valuable for me because I learned to adapt quickly to a new environment, I met new people and simply dealt with a new city, to understand where to go, and what road to choose. All these skills of communication and adaptation will be very valuable for my future professional growth and will help me to get a job in Luxembourg or France.“

            We congratulate Mathis on the successful completion of his internship, we wish him all the best and success in his career development. Mathis has shown excellent results in this position and we are sure that he has a wonderful future ahead of him! If you also want to gain valuable experience and practical skills for your career and do not know where to start, just reach out Placement Slovakia Team and we will help you find the internship that will guide you to a brighter future!

Are you ready for a new story of our French intern? Click here to get more about it