Laura, PR Intern, Lithuania

"I am extremely grateful for this opportunity, it was one of the best decisions of my life."

Laura, PR Intern, Lithuania

Sebastian, Light Designer, Poland

"I received a very good support. The colleagues helped me with everything."

Sebastian, Light Designer, Poland

Quentin, IT Specialist, France

"The best part was the culture. It is very interesting and beautiful."

Quentin, IT Specialist, France

Shane, Financial Assistant, UK

"I told to myself: Why not to apply, why not to have a beautiful experience?"

Shane, Financial Assistant, UK

Arba, Financial Analyst, Albanian studying in Austria

"I was involved in different types of tasks and I was trusted to execute them independently."

Arba, Financial Analyst, Albanian studying in Austria

Lucas, Startup Project Coordinator, Brazil

"I’m enjoying the work; it meets my professional and academic background."

Lucas, Startup Project Coordinator, Brazil

Keerthi, Mechanical Engineer, India

"I received more then i expected. Keep up the good work, Placement Slovakia."

Keerthi, Mechanical Engineer, India

Emanuel, Accountant Trainee, Portugal

"I put theory into practise and I got to know financial activity of a large company."

Emanuel, Accountant Trainee, Portugal

Vitor, Executive Assistant, Portugal

"Please come! Do not stay at home; rather travel, meet new people and explore Slovakia."

Vitor, Executive Assistant, Portugal

Daniel, Online Marketing Operator, Spain

"What will I miss the most? My job, probably."

Daniel, Online Marketing Operator, Spain

Miguel, Web Developer, Portugal

"I met amazing people and fall in love with a city that I did not even know few years ago."

Miguel, Web Developer, Portugal

Monica, Marketing trainee, Indian studying in Austria

"I am treated as full-time employee, which is great."

Monica, Marketing trainee, Indian studying in Austria

Vinay, Mechanical Engineer, Indian studying in Germany

"It is fun to learn new things; language and to explore new places."

Vinay, Mechanical Engineer, Indian studying in Germany

Pedro, Industrial Engineer, Portugal

"I am having a blast here!"

Pedro, Industrial Engineer, Portugal

Joao Pedro, Communication Assistant, Portugal

"My colleagues have become my friends. What can be better?"

Joao Pedro, Communication Assistant, Portugal

Pablo, Mechanical Engineer, Spain

"I like the travelling opportunities Bratislava offers."

Pablo, Mechanical Engineer, Spain

André Lagos, Project Coordinator assistant, Portugal.

“A few days after my arrival, I was already feeling like home”

André Lagos, Project Coordinator assistant, Portugal.

Tahmina Mumtaz, Junior SAP specialist, Pakistan

"I believe that this experience will enable me to follow my future endeavours in a defined way, and nourish me professionally.”

Tahmina Mumtaz, Junior SAP specialist, Pakistan

We are excited to inform you that the new Erasmus+ student period has been launched! Autumn is when the educational process starts again, many people have had a good rest during their vacations, gained strength, and are ready to conquer new things in their professional growth! The Placement Slovakia team will be able to help you do exactly that.


At the beginning of this fall many companies opened new positions for their future interns and in the middle of this season we expect even more corporations to open their doors to Slovakia and consider expanding their teams in Bratislava!

We would like to remind you that participation with Placement Slovakia in the Erasmus+ program is absolutely free for the students and that this program was created precisely to help students determine their future career path, gain such valuable practical skills, and feel as independent and self-realized individuals. Also, all the benefits such as free accommodation, full documentary support from the Placement Slovakia team, and bonuses from the companies (meal cards, free language training, professional development courses) remain the same for this year's season of our program.

The process of acceptance to the internship program takes place in two stages: 

1) a first online interview with a member of the Placement Slovakia team to get to know each other better, answer any questions you may have, and define the field of your internship, what skills you possess, and what you would be interested in; 

2) an interview with the manager of the company who wants to see you as a candidate for the intern position, here you will have more detailed questions about the tasks you will have to face, what will be your responsibilities as an intern, and what to expect in general.

You will then be notified of the manager's decision and it is up to you to decide whether you should accept this opportunity or not, the student has the final say. So your fate is in your hands!

Don't miss this opportunity to plunge into the world of adventure and adult life with our other students from all over the globe! Our team will not let you get bored, as almost every month we organize events for all our students to get to know Slovakia better and make new acquaintances. Fill out the online form on our website right now, and we will contact you as soon as possible to clarify all the details!





The new Erasmus+ circle has started with fall positions for our students!